Youth & Children
Christian Education Ministry involves developing & helping to maintain classes for children, 4 to teens & adults. Short 6 week studies fall into this ministry also. Most important are the weekly chats for the children during Sunday worship.
Sunday School
9 A.M.
September thru June
Children -Kindergarten through 6th grade
Teen Sunday School
Seekers Adult Sunday School in person and Zoom
ID: 732-520-3940 Password: audubon - 10 A.M. Children’s Choir
6 p.m. Teen Fellowship [aka Youth Group]

We had a great time with the children!

We had a wonderful week with the children at Vacation Bible School-2023. Check out our highlight video!

Children's Education Ministry
Christian Education ministry involves all children's activities from religious classes to plays and any other programs involving children.
Adult education is part of this ministry also. We have an adult class, Seekers, which is doing an in-depth study of the Bible, and we also have short term Bible studies throughout the year.
This ministry also does Chats with the Children during Sunday morning worship.

Children's Choir
Two children’s choirs will be starting this fall. Children ages 4 through 5th grade and youth 6th grade and up.